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What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy has been used for over 100 years to help people with a wide variety of issues from low self-esteem to fertility and childbirth.
Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy used to readjust the subconscious mind. When in hypnosis, you put your mind and body into a heightened state of learning, making your mind more open to positive suggestion for self-improvement or behavior modification. The goal is to rebalance the subconscious and conscious mind allowing them to work together in harmony, which in turn helps give you greater control over your behavior, emotions and physical wellbeing.
Hypnosis involves the induction of an induced state of deep relaxation. In a hypnotherapy you are acutely aware, concentrated and focused and it is in this state that the conscious mind can relax and stay calm and become more responsive to positive suggestions, ideas, concepts and lifestyle changes.

What is not Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is not at all like the performances you see in stage shows. There are no swinging pocket watches and no mind control. In a hypnotherapy session you are in control the entire time. You will hear the suggestions made to you, and you will be able to remember them after the session. Hypnosis cannot do anything that a client resists.
Now let’s dispel a few myths:
You cannot get stuck in hypnosis – this is quite impossible.
You do not become in any way unconscious or semi-conscious.
You cannot, at any time, be made to do things you do not want to do.
You are totally aware of yourself and your surroundings at all times.
You do not go to sleep.
You are not in anyone’s power, and nobody can take control of you.
You can leave the hypnotic state whenever you want.
You cannot lose your mind.
Hypnosis cannot permanently remove memories or thoughts from your mind.
You will not suddenly blurt out your ‘dark’ secrets.
Hypnosis cannot bestow psychic abilities or supernatural powers.
Hypnosis cannot make you act against, or abandon, your moral code.
You do not say or do ‘funny things’ unless you want to.
Hypnosis is a truly natural state of mind and body and is therefore perfectly safe.


Hypnotherapy Articles

Reviewing over 2000 journal articles, Dr. Barrios discovered these facts when comparing traditional ”talk-based” psychotherapy vs. hypnosis:
Type of Therapy   Recovery Rates  # of Sessions
Hypnotherapy            93%              6
Behavioral Therapy      72%             22
Psychoanalysis            38%             600
Dr. Alfred A Barrios

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Your Brain and The Immune System - By Dr Joe Dispenza

When people overcome limited emotional states that keep them connected to past experiences, break out of redundant habits and automatic programs, and change certain self-destructive hardwired attitudes and beliefs—the cells of their immune system are busy upregulating new genes.

In a stunning discovery made by the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine, researchers have overturned decades of textbook teaching by determining that there is a direct correlation between the brain and the immune system. For years scientists have been trying to correlate the relationship between the two, yet they lacked the evidence to show how our thoughts and feelings (our neurochemistry) could affect our overall health. This ground-breaking finding could have significant implications on our understanding of how the brain and immune system interact. This will enable scientists to target the immune system for the benefit of the brain. Read More…

Medical Hypnosis: You Are Getting Very Healthy - Wall Street Journal
Scientific evidence is mounting that hypnosis can be effective in easing pain, lowering high blood pressure, controlling asthma, minimising hot flushes, facilitating childbirth and relieving side effects from chemotherapy. Read More...

Randomised clinical trial: the efficacy of gut-directed hypnotherapy - National Library of Medicine

It is similar to that of the low FODMAP diet for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Read More...

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